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Furthermore we have identified the
Furthermore, we have identified the tumour stroma, and pancreatic stellate apexbio calculator in particular, to be an abundant source of NODAL and ACTIVIN, thus creating a supportive niche for these highly plastic cells (Lonardo et al., 2012). Since pancreatic cancers are usually highly desmoplasti
In our current study IGFBP levels were approximately fold
In our current study IGFBP-2 levels were approximately 10-fold higher than those of IGFBP-3 suggesting that the large induction of IGFBP-2 may play a more import role in the differentiation of DPCs than the decrease seen in IGFBP-3 concentrations. Although an extensive literature describes both IGF-
In this regard murine ESC derivatives bearing
In this regard, murine ESC derivatives bearing EGFP transcriptionally controlled via the promoter of the HCN4 gene were reported to coexpress EGFP, HCN4, and other cardiac markers in spontaneously beating foci (Morikawa et al., 2010). Yet, after the EGFP-positive fraction was subjected to cell sorti
For ESCs on the other hand we and others recently
For ESCs, on the other hand, we and others recently established that single factors, such as neurogenic differentiation factor 1 (NEUROD1) or neurogenin 2 (NGN2), alone are sufficient to rapidly induce the neuronal fate (Thoma et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2013). In fibroblasts, however, we had origin
br Experimental Procedures br Acknowledgments br Introductio
Experimental Procedures Acknowledgments Introduction Fragile X syndrome (FXS; OMIM #300624) is the most common heritable form of cognitive impairment. It is inherited as an X-linked trait and is caused by a deficiency in the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) (Santoro et al., 2012)
Our findings showing an increase of growth factors expressio
Our findings showing an increase of growth factors expression in miR133-CPCs upon stress conditioning and the amelioration of cardiac functions after miR133-CPCs transplantation post-AMI are in agreement with a recent publication that demonstrates that previous supplementation (“priming”) of SCA1+/C
Data generated from GSEA DAVID and gene hierarchical cluster
Data generated from GSEA, DAVID and gene hierarchical clustering of sorted stem and committed progenitor cell transcriptomes provides an opportunity to explore processes that govern prostate stem cell biology, self-renewal and differentiation. One notable enrichment in active stem EPZ015666 relativ
Here we describe the characteristics of
Here, we describe the characteristics of a novel SeVdp-iPS vector (SeVdp(KOSM)302L) containing miR-302a target sequences at the 3′-UTR of the L gene. This vector can be used for the efficient reprogramming of MEFs into transgene-free iPSCs without the aid of siRNAs, observed using human embryonic fi
br Results br Discussion Frequent
Results Discussion Frequent tumor relapse in multiple tumor types has now been attributed to the presence of residual CSCs after conventional treatments. We and others have previously identified CD133 to mark a liver CSC subpopulation in HCC (Ma et al., 2007, 2010). Yet, the functional paths b
To evaluate possible genomic rearrangement and
To evaluate possible genomic rearrangement and CNV of ATM in individual cells, we used a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probe specific for the ATM gene (chr11:108,089,374–108,241,929 in the hg19 genome). Results indicated that a majority of papain inhibitor had an equal number of ATM-spe
STA9090 br Results br Discussion Different routes
Results Discussion Different routes of reprogramming have been described even when starting with MEFs but these are restricted to late stages of reprogramming and have been demonstrated with different combinations of reprogramming factors (Parchem et al., 2014). Interestingly, recent reports a
br Experimental Procedures br Author
Experimental Procedures Author Contributions Acknowledgments We thank Cory Abate-Shen, Maho Shibata, and Flaminia Talos for insightful comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by NIHR01DK076602. A.M. and R.T. were supported by post-doctoral fellowships from the DOD Prostate Cance
Although RA is sufficient to promote the development
Although RA is sufficient to promote the development of spermatogenic Nanaomycin A from mSSCs to spermatocytes, the Sertoli cell co-culture increases further the induction efficiency. Severe apoptosis of the germ cells were observed under both the feeder-free and the co-culture conditions, indicati
Flow cytometry analysis showed that
Flow cytometry analysis showed that independent targeted clones expressed remarkably similar levels of the inserted reporter genes, highlighting the consistency of expression produced by this vector configuration (Figure 1C). This consistency also enabled us to conclude that all the selectable marke
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